Joseph Morelli

One of Stephanie's love interests.

Character Desciption

from Two for the Dough
Morelli was vice... Vice did a lot of work DEA and Customs and kept pretty closemouthed about their projects.

As a teenager Morelli was feral. Two years in the navy and twelve more on the police force had taught him control, but I was convinced nothing short of removing his gonads would ever completely domesticate him. There was always a barbarous part of Morelli that hummed beneath the surface. I found myself helplessly sucked in by it, and at the same time it scared the hell out of me.

from Eleven on Top:
  'He was wearing jeans and scuffed boots and a black V-neck sweater over a black T-shirt. Morelli is six feet of lean, hard muscle and hot Italian libido. He's Jersey smart, and he's not a man you'd want to annoy... unless you're me. I've been annoying Morelli all my life.'

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