Two for the Dough -Stephanie Plum Series

In Two for the Dough, Stephanie Plum is still an inexperienced bounty hunter, so her boss and cousin Vinnie gives her an easy case: apprehend local boy Kenny Mancuso, accused of shooting his best friend in the knee and then jumping bail. Because Kenny is the black sheep cousin of vice cop Joe Morelli, Morelli is on Kenny's trail as well.

Notable Quotes

In spite of all the sparring that went on between us, I sort of liked Morelli. Good judgment told me to stand clear of him, but then I've never been a slave to good judgment. ~ Two for the Dough

Character Descriptions

 I knew Ranger was beside me because I could see his earring gleaming in the moonlight. Everything about him - his T-shirt, his flack vest, his slick-back hair, and 9-mm Glock - was as black as night. Even his skin tone seemed to darken in shade. Ricardo Carlos Manoso, The Cuban-American chameleon. 

Ranger only wore two colors: army green and bad-ass black. Tonight he was bad-ass black, the monotony broken only by double-stud earrings.

... now that Grandpa Mazur was scarfing down his normal two-eggs-and-a-half-pound-of-bacon breakfast in the hereafter.

Grandma Mazur was seventy-two and didn't look a day over ninety. I loved her dearly, but when you got her down to her skivvies, she resembled a soup chicken.

Connie looked up from her desk that sat like a guardhouse blocking the way to Vinnie's inner office. Her hair had been teased out a good 6-inches, framing her face in a rat's nest of black curls. She was a couple of years older than me, three inches shorter, thirty pounds heavier, and, like me , she'd gone back to her maiden name after a discouraging divorce. In her case, the name as Rosolli, a name given wide berth in the burg since her Uncle Jimmy had been made.

Morelli was vice... Vice did a lot of work DEA and Customs and kept pretty closemouthed about their projects.

As a teenager Morelli was feral. Two years in the navy and twelve more on the police force had taught him control, but I was convinced nothing short of removing his gonads would ever completely domesticate him. There was always a barbarous part of Morelli that hummed beneath the surface. I found myself helplessly sucked in by it, and at the same time it scared the hell out of me.

Rex was running in his wheel when I got home. I switched the light on, and he stopped dead in his tracks. black eyes wide, whiskers twitching in indignation that night has suddenly disappeared.

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